Center for Scientific Computing

The Center for Scientific Computing (CSC) of the Goethe University Frankfurt currently operates two Linux-based computer clusters within the framework of the HHLR-GU (Hessisches Hochleistungsrechenzentrum der Goethe-Universität) to support numerically intensive studies in a variety of research fields, ranging from neuroscience to high-energy physics.

The CPU cluster FUCHS-CSC is available for HPC1) applications for users from all universities in the State of Hesse. Goethe-NHR (the bigger of the two systems) is a combined CPU-GPU cluster. As both systems are designed to support many types of applications (trivial and non-trivial), they provide an ideal HPC infrastructure for the scientific community. The data center is located in the Industriepark Höchst area.


High Performance Computing
public/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/29 12:19 by geier
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