
Center for Scientific Computing (CSC)
Max-von-Laue-Str. 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main
E-mail: support at csc.uni-frankfurt…
Phone: 069 / 798-47353, Fax: 069 / 798-47360

When writing an email, please provide some basic information like cluster name, your login name, job script etc.

IT Administration (support at csc.uni-frankfurt…)

  • Jankowiak, Hans-Christian, phone -47352
  • Geier, Igor, phone -47353
  • Kalkbrenner, Thilo, phone -47352
  • Keiling, Marco, phone -47353

Head of CSC

  • Prof. Dr. Kollegger, Thorsten, phone -22331, -22332 (secretary)

Former Head of CSC

  • Apl. Prof. Dr. Lüdde, Hans Jürgen

public/contact.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/26 19:14 by geier
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