Getting access to computing facilities at CSC


Access to Goethe-NHR is granted to approved projects (see Goethe-NHR Projects). Members of a Goethe-NHR project find the appropriate form to apply for an account below.


Access to FUCHS is granted to academic institutions in the state of Hesse. Membership in an approved project is not a requirement. You find the appropriate form to apply for an account below.

User Applications

Please choose which system shall be used and fill the appropriate form:

and send it via fax to +49(0)69/798-47360 or snail mail (address is given in the application form). You will be notified by e-mail as soon as the account is established. Questions related to the CSC facilities can be sent to support at (see also: Contact).

Please use a regular PDF viewer to open the forms! The Firefox Preview for PDF documents fails to show or print the forms correctly. If you do not see text fields like 'Name' or 'Email', when you open one of our PDF documents, please download the file and open it with a full featured PDF viewer. The forms are test with the Adobe Reader on Windows and Linux and evince on Linux!
public/access.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 16:52 by jankowiak
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