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Requests for Computing Resources on the Goethe-HLR


The allocation of computing time on the CSC cluster Goethe-HLR requires a submission of a scientific project proposal. These proposals are subject to a review process. Submitted proposals are evaluated twice a year. The corresponding (hard) deadlines for submission are March 15th and September 15th. Allocations are granted for a one-year period. The proposal write-ups are required to follow a specific format, which is outlined below. Submissions have to be sent as PDF documents to

Submitted proposals that adhere to the guidelines will be reviewed by the Scientific Advisory Council of the Center for Scientific Computing.

Structure of Project Proposals

The general proposal structure should consist of the following points:

  1. Scientific case outlining the project background including state of the art and own previous work (1 page + references)
  2. Description of the project (1 page)
  3. Requested computer resources
    1. Amount of requested CPUh and GPUh per year
    2. Amount of requested disk space
    3. For applications with parallelized codes:
      Specify /Show benchmark for scaling of time with number of processes
    4. Numerical tools / software required
    5. Justification of the requested amount of computing resources

The review will consider the proposal's scientific merit, the plausibility of the computational approach and the justification of the requested resources. Proposals can be expected to be decided upon within one month after the respective submission deadline.

Templates for proposals are available as PDF or Word documents.


public/projects/overview.1578919415.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/13 13:43 by jankowiak
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